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Sacramento Flyer Printing

Sacramento Flyer Printing Cheap

Sacramento Flyer Printing

Sacramento Flyer printing in multiple size options that include 
• 8.5×5.5 • 8.5″x11″ •  8.5″x14″ and 11″x17″

We have some of the lowest prices in Sacramento for Flyer Printing and Design. Just take a look for yourself and see our low prices!

Sacramento Flyer Printing and Design

What is the difference between 80 pound book 100 pound book and 100 pound cover paper?

80lb Gloss Book Flyers with Aqueous Coating
80lb Gloss book which often referred to as 80lb text is a popular option for brochures and flyers, because of its lower price. I usually try to explain 80lb stock as being often used as the inside pages of a magazine. It is just a bit thicker than your standard office copy paper. But what makes it stand out is the aqueous finish that gives the paper its light shine. The shine is the same shimmer that you see in pages in a magazine.